
Showing posts from July, 2019

1923 Celebration of Cumorah/Ramah

BYU Studies has an outstanding article about the 1923 celebration at the Hill Cumorah/Ramah. You can read it here. The following excerpt shows how Church leaders believed and taught that the hill in western New York was the site of the final battles of the Jaredites and Nephites, just as their predecessors and successors in Church leadership have consistently taught. Because the Church was still several years away from purchasing the entire Hill Cumorah, conference organizers secured special permission from non–Latter-day Saint Pliny T. Sexton, owner and proprietor of the hill and surrounding farmland, to hold ceremonies on his property. 87  The missionaries and members made their way, flags in hand, to the top of the hill while the sun peeked over the eastern horizon. When everyone summited, the appointed “Flag Sergeants” erected America’s national ba

Reminiscences of Cumorah by Stevenson

Reminiscences of Joseph, the Prophet And the Coming Forth of The Book of Mormon, "The Hill Cumorah. [p.10] The first name given to this hill (and by a lost nation who left the Tower of Babel 2000 B.C.) was  Ramah , as found in their history, page 606, new edition. This history is called the Book of Mormon, and this portion is written by a historian named Ether. It was named the second time by an entirely different people, and called  Cumorah , as found on page 559, new edition, of the same book, by the historian whose name was Mormon. The third name is  Bible Hill , or  Mormon Hill , and was given in the year 1829." "The great and mighty nation of the Jaredites, having departed from God and shed the blood of the prophets, became divided into bloodthirsty factions, who waged relentless and merciless wars against each other for many years;  finally, after millions were slain, they arrayed themselves into two mighty opposing armies and mutually agreed to give each othe

Acquiring Cumorah

How the Hill Cumorah was acquired. A Study of the Hill Cumorah: